Thursday Morning Bible Study with Pastor Bob Dart

Thursday Morning Bible Study with Pastor Bob Dart

As we see in the Gospels, Jesus taught his disciples in small groups. Although he could have preached to millions at a time, he chose a small group to teach, prepare, and empower his followers. Come fellowship, learn, and grow in this mid-week class. 

Our Thursday morning class meets each Thursday morning at 9:30. We meet in the conference
room located at the very end of the education wing hall of the church. Our class is actually a
great time of fellowship and an opportunity to get to know folks who may attend a different
worship service than you. While our study time starts at 9:30, many show up around 9:00 so they
have ample time to visit. Each Thursday different folks volunteer to bring snacks and I always
have a fresh pot of coffee ready.
Our topic of study will vary from semester to semester. We may study some particular book of
the Bible, a video teaching of someone such as Dr. David Jeremiah, or a particular book covering
an interesting subject. We always enjoy a lot of discussion.
The Fall semester usually begins the first Thursday after Labor Day and runs until the second
Thursday of December. The Winter/Spring semesters usually begins the second Thursday of
January and runs through March
Anyone who has the time free is welcome to attend.

We are going to feature Dr. David Jeremiah's "The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready".
During a typical class session we will view a DVD presentation followed by comments and discussion.
A study guid is available, but not essential for our class. You may order the guide from 
The guide is $10.